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- Mylar Melodies, Why We Bleep podcast, April 2024
- Holly Williams, Coding is the new clubbing: on the rise and rise of algorave, Sheffield Tribune, December 2023
- Interview with Benjamin Tassie for Future Classical, Resonance FM, Nov 2022
- Chat with Kate Sicchio about Algorithms, Patterns, Robots and Errors, July 2022
- Beyond the Scene: Algoraves, ZINE demoscene podcast, chatting with Axel, Okkie and Ziphoid, Mar 2022
- Algoraves are here right now, Zach Braner, The College Hill Independent, 10 February 2022
- Algorave Revealed, a panel with Antonio Roberts, Melody Loveless and Abhinay Khoparzi for the Manchester Corridor of Light, Oct 2021
- Jean-Bapstiste Thiebaut, TidalCycles – growing a language for algorithmic pattern, May 2021
- Sarah Sharp, What is Algorave? Live coding with Alex McLean, 12 February 2020
- Dimitri Gröpler, Sounds of Code, 24 January 2020
- Leila Johnston, Hack Circus Podcast, 29 August 2019
- Ilenia di Mauro, Generazione Algorave: il rave che nasce dagli algoritmi, Parkett, April 2019
- Joe Sansom/Edited Arts, Algorave Generation, Resident Advisor, February 2019
- Peter Kirn, Inside the livecoding algorave movement, and what it says about music, CDM, May 2018
- Darwin Grosse, Art+Music+Technology podcast, December 2017
- Emily Bick visits AlgoMech Festival in Sheffield, Wire Magazine, December 2017
- Elsa Ferreiria, Et Sheffield inventa l’algorave…, Makery, November 2017
- Iman Imrani, Run the code, The Guardian, November 2017
- Canal+ (French TV), Par ailleurs #14, Canalbis November 2017
- Katrin Weller, Studio Elektronische Musik: Techné [74]: Live Coding, WDR 3 Germany, Oct 2017
- Elsa Ferreira, L’Algorave ou l’art de danser sur du code informatique, Noisey France / Vice, Oct 2017
- Tom Roper, Meet the Locals, Our Favourite Places, August 2017
- Jack Chuter, ATTN:Magazine show #7, Resonance Extra, July 2017
- Dean Honer, The Golden Age of the Future, Electronic Sound magazine, Issue 31, 2017
- Mary Anne Hobbs, 3 minute epiphany: how to create an algorave, Radio 6 music, June 2017
- Dennis Kastrup, Live coding: Näher an der music, Deutschlandfunk, June 2017
- DJ Semtex, Are Algorithms In Tune with Music?, Nation of billions, March 2017
- Steph Kretowicz, Algorave: The live coding movement that makes next-level electronic music, Mixmag, Jan 2017
- Alan Raw, BBC Introducing, BBC Radio Leeds, June 2016
- Emma Sugarman, New Voices, Sound and Music, May 2016
- Emily Bick, Pattern Recognition, The Wire, March 2016
- Estoteric codes interview with Daniel Temkin, December 2015
- Dr Sarah Bell, Live coding brings programming to life, British Science Association blog, September 2015
- {Members.Welcome.} :: Computer Club, Igloo Magazine, May 2015
- Live coding and algorave, a composer-curator guest post on the Sound and Music sampler blog, February 2015
- Jakob Bauer, Dancing the Code radio interview, Der junge Kulturkanal, January 2015
- Alejandro Tauber, Coden in de club, April 2014
- Ebony Nembhard, Headsup. Algorave, Now Then magazine, March 2014
- Conversation between Kate Sicchio and Alex McLean, Hack Circus, March 2014
- Paul Squires, In conversation with… Kate Sicchio and Alex McLean, Imperica, March 2014
- Robert Barry, I For One Welcome Our New Robot Vocal Cords: Radical Computer Music, The Quietus, February 2014
- Tracks, Live Coding and Algorave feature, Arte TV (France and Germany), January 2014
- Kirstine Bruun, Skal vi danse til koden?, November 2013
- Daniel Dylan Wray, Algorave is the future of dance music (if you’re a nerd), Vice, November 2013
- Clemens Lambermont, Algorave interview,, November 2013
- Joe Muggs, Algoraving: dancing to live coding, Red Bull Music Academy, October 2013
- Jamillah Knowles, Outriders, BBC Radio 5 Live, September 2013
- Tom Cheshire, Hacking meets clubbing with the ‘algorave’, Wired UK (print and online), August 2013
- Stephen Fortune, What on earth is live coding?, Dazed and Confused magazine, May 2013
- Vincent Welleman, SLUB-trio: Muziek moet het visuele volgen, niet omgekeerd, Kwadratuur, May 2010
- Tom Armitage, Slub: Making music with live computer code, September 2009
- Jason Palmer, Tech Know: Programming, meet music, BBC News website, August 2009
- Alessandro Ludovico, Live coding: I think in Text, Neural Magazine, June 2007
- Grayson Perry, Is the world wide web art’s final frontier?, Sunday Times, 9th August 2006
- Robert Andrews, Real DJs code live, Wired UK, March 2006
- Alexei Shulgin, Listen to the tools, Read_me 2_3 reader, 2003