Some notes from the embedded conference “working out situated universality” hosted by Julian Rohrhuber at IMM Duesseldorf. If you’re reading…
Modulating Time
I’m just back from a productive week working with Mika Satomi and Lizzie Wilson on a mini project ‘Modulating Time’…
Why we bleep podcast
This was a fun chat with Mylar Melodies for his Why We Bleep podcast, about algorave, tidalcycles/strudel, live coding and…
Algorithmic Pattern updates
I’ve been a bit behind on blogging in general, but made five posts in the Algorithmic Pattern blog yesterday.. On…
Luigi Russolo, Futurist and Fascist
I publish this blog post with some nervousness, as I’m not a historian or musicologist. This is something I feel…
Slow Growth of Mastodon
I used to use twitter quite a bit, but now it’s run by a hard-right weirdo who wants to defeat…
My publications list – updated
My publications list was missing some entries and many of the PDFs. I started uploading everything to Zenodo, but although…
Tidal 2.0 beatMode (TidalCycles vs TidalBeats?)
I’ve been rewriting Tidal again for a while but resisting actually using it, mostly out of a weird sense of…
How to start a movement / love is the message
I’ve been thinking a bit about leadership over the past year or so, especially since being awarded a ‘future leader…
Performing openness in academic publishing
I was unsure about writing this blog post, but today I was turned away from signing up for the openly-advertised…