Here’s my first go at live coding the Epson LX-80, in preparation for the Hugh Davies concert in Leeds on…
Post barrow
Just back from an inspiring few days in Barrow at Digital Media Labs. Among other things I had a fun…
Protected: Open letter to Sound and Music Computing committee
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Inhabiting the Hack
I’ve been running the inhabiting the hack project with Helen Thornham, Edgar Gómez Cruz and a range of arts practitioners and organisations,…
Live code improv
Here’s a recording of a screencast sent to the IBC hackfest in Amsterdam as part of a TOPLAP extravaganza.
Daphne Oram award
I gave the inaugural BSA Award Lecture for Digital Innovation at the British Science Festival in Bradford earlier this week. It’s a special…
The Generative Manifesto, August 2000
The Generative Manifesto Ade Ward and Alex McLean (Slub) Presented at the Institute for Contemporary Arts, 23rd August 2000 Attention…
First International Conference on Live Coding
ICLC 2015 is now behind us and was awesome. It was great to have so many enthusiastic people come together, and to witness…
How to publish open access conference proceedings
I’ve just published the ICLC proceedings, a learning process, trying doing things a little differently, so thought I’d share. I’m by…
Events rhino
I just had a total blast at Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code. I wrote a little bit about…