Live coding the Epson LX-80

Here’s my first go at live coding the Epson LX-80, in preparation for the Hugh Davies concert in Leeds on…

Post barrow

Just back from an inspiring few days in Barrow at Digital Media Labs. Among other things I had a fun…

Inhabiting the Hack

I’ve been running the inhabiting the hack project with Helen Thornham, Edgar Gómez Cruz and a range of arts practitioners and organisations,…

Live code improv

Here’s a recording of a screencast sent to the IBC hackfest in Amsterdam as part of a TOPLAP extravaganza.

Daphne Oram award

I gave the inaugural BSA Award Lecture for Digital Innovation at the British Science Festival in Bradford earlier this week. It’s a special…

Events rhino

I just had a total blast at Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code. I wrote a little bit about…