Transient and ephemeral code

Be sure to read the comments – Sam Aaron makes some important corrective points… The below left as documentation of…

Demonstrating tidal

After posting at length about the history of my musical pattern representation, I thought I’d better show some demos and…

Haskell patterns ad nauseam

TL;DR I’m now describing algorave music as functions from time ranges to lists of events, with arbitrary time precision, where…

Real programming

On to another point I tried to make at the Node forum, perhaps not too well.. That perhaps that the…

Push button bertha

Jake and I made a cover version of Push Button Bertha, probably the first ever computer-generated tune. Here it is:…

Happy new year + upcoming

Looking forward to 2013, some things I’m up to so far: 15th Feb: talk and solo performance at the Node symposium,…

Lurk recordings

I’ve been recording some experiments with a new iteration of my livecoding system, and putting them up over on…

Live coding blogging

In case anyone is wondering why I’m not saying much about live coding these days, it’s because has turned into an…

Audio blast festival

Audio blast is a streaming festival by apo33, running in both Nantes and Piksel festival in Bergen. I’m performing this…