Haskell hack

*UPDATE* This entry is ancient, but for some reason gets quite a lot of traffic, see Tidal for a more up-to-date page!

Finally off the back burner, some music in haskell.

This is very much in progress, more ideas to implement but I think it’s getting quite interesting already. Beat rotation heavily influenced by douglas.


  1. Very cool, much more fun the boring java I write all day. What is the point of a language you have to compile AND interpret, Come on Sun, Pick One!

  2. damn sweet ! I’m trying to build something similar … that would be nice to release the code !

  3. This looks much like Haskore … have you perchance been reading the Haskell School of Expression? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Thanks a lot for all the encouragement! I will post something about how this works, and release the code in good time.
    Dan: I bought HSoE but didn’t like it too much, I’m not into midi. Interesting that this looks similar to haskore though, I’ll take another look at that sometime.

  5. Alex, I love you buddy, but I’ve been to your site at least 100 times looking for code. Pretty please?

  6. Sorry to not release the code straight away. I need to think through some ideas first, particularly as this is probably going to form part of my PhD research.

  7. I really like this, it seems like a logical next step in your ultra-high-speed livecoding setups. The use of the command buffer in editing is nice as well; I tend to get lost in the amount of code buffers I’m using quite early on in my sets and this solves that.

    I do feel that this mode of performance, while a efficient way of getting data into a sequencer compared to -say- Live it also seems to go at the expense of public thought. Now; I much prefer a new look at sequencing over TOPLAP compliance for it’s own sake but I was still hiping you could comment on that.

  8. that music drove my cat crazy ! he tried to enter inside the computer to kill that bug … sounds like the music made with Pure Data.

  9. Very Nice I like this I never played Haskell but i think im going to have to start..

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