Sonic boom

I’ve been peeved by this FT article, and failing to express my annoyance over on twitter, so time for a…


Rumour has it that I may be something to do with the new ChordPunch label, which is promoting algorithmic music…

Events and things

Had a really great time at dorkcamp, and have a couple of more things coming up… Despite now living in…

Programming of the Art Computer

After getting frustrated with trying to have a discussion about programming languages within the confines of twitter, I made a…


Still a bit busy with work & thesis, but had a great time last week at the first dorkbotsheffield, and…

New job + thesis progress

I’m looking forward to getting started as a research assistant (or associate, not sure) with the OAK group at Sheffield…

Novels are digital art too

Digital means discrete, and analog means continuous. Digital and analog support each other, as Deleuze and Guattari put it: ……