Hackpact week 3

It’s the third week of the hackpact. A few have fallen by the wayside, others are doing impressively well. Adam…

Knowledge futures

I’m very happy to be putting together the evening programme for knowledge futures on October 16th at Goldsmiths. Excitingly, my…


In the tradition of daily live coding practice a few people have formed a hack pact to make something new every…

Questions of creativity

I attended the start of the Dagstuhl seminar on computational creativity last week, although sadly had to leave after the…

Dorkcamp ’09

Douglas Repetto started dorkbot in nyc in late 2000, as a free forum for “people doing strange things with electricity”,…

Patterns in Haskell

I’ve been trying to make music with Haskell for a little while now.  One thing about Haskell is that its…

More hackery

Another screencast: Trying a lower bpm than normal. Also I’m starting to add more higher order rhythm functions to increase…