Getting things on Wikipedia

I’m a big fan of wikipedia. It’s by no means perfect, but it’s undeniably a fantastically useful resource, created by…

Bluedot algorave 2018

Bluedot 2018 was a great time, here’s a nicely live edited film of it.. Catch Sam + me as CCAI…

Pattern+Code at Playground

The residency at CMC Playground that I mentioned before is coming to an end, so time for a quick reflective…

Simple tidal

Here’s a quick demo of a ‘simple’ dialect of tidal. Basically it avoids parenthesis, `#` etc, through a small, simple…

Interview on CDM

Very happy to have an interview with Peter Kirn up on CDM, ahead of a workshop+showcase hosted by him in…

Playground residency

Announcing another project! I’m artist-in-residence at CMC Playground, the exhibition and arts programme that is part of annual Children’s Media…

Live coding Tokyo Yorkshire

I’m really happy to be arranging a cultural exchange between live coders in Yorkshire in Tokyo, with Access Space and…

Too many projects

I have a lot of projects. Let me count them PENELOPE – exploring weaving as a technical mode of existence…

Tidalbot is back

TidalBot is back! You can tweet tidal patterns to @tidalbot on twitter, and it will give you back an mp3…