2014 round-up – part one

Time to reflect on a busy year.. I’ll probably edit this post a bit as I remember things. January 2014…

Digital media labs residency

It’s been a frantic couple of months, but somewhere in there I had the privilege of being invited into a Digital Media Labs…

Weaving Codes in Denmark

[blog in progress..] Dave has made some lovely documentation of the first Weaving Codes, Coding Weaves activities as two thoughtful blog posts here and here.…

Canute at NIME 2014

Here’s a recording of Canute at the NIME 2014 algorave. Matthew (drill ‘n bass producer of renown) on drums and me live…


I wrote a bit of code in the excellent Gibber browser-based a/v live coding system while thinking about weaving in…

dotdotdot edit

Here’s an edit of a live coded improv I did at dotdotdot, the second edition of a monthly party organised…


Another collaboration that has blossomed this year is Canute, with Matthew Yee-King. I’ve always been a big fan of Matthew’s spasmodic…