Meaning of Hack

This post dedicated to Olga, who went missing a few days ago. (she came back, after three weeks out in the…

Some videos

First a quick screencast of my new live coding environment called Text, which is I think a good proof of…

New text editor

I stopped using, a self-modifying live code editor written in Perl, some time ago, in favour of editing Haskell…

Heading north

I’m heading for Sheffield with my family in September.. I’ll have finished writing up my PhD by the time my…

Paper on bricolage programming

I’m very happy to have a paper “Bricolage Programming in the Creative Arts” accepted to this year’s PPIG (the Psychology…

Flash on eval

Here’s a tech demo of my current Haskell live coding environment, an emacs mode adapted from Rohan Drape’s haskell supercollider…

Visualisation of Live Code

I wrote a paper with Dave Griffiths and Nick Collins on the visualisation of live code, exploring ideas around live…

Upcoming events

A few things coming up 1st May 2010 – Slub VJing with Kirk Degiorgio at Lambda Festival, Antwerp 2nd May…