Vocable source released

The haskell source for my vocable synthesis system used in my previous screencasts is now available. I’ve been having fun…

Thank you Graphviz

I love graphviz. You feed in data in a simple, easy to generate format and it creates the most beautifully…

More vocable synthesis

Another screencast: As ever, feedback, both positive and negative is very much appreciated!

Alternative title

So I explained my msc project to Amy who explained it back far better than I could have; “… it’s…

ASCII Rave in Haskell

I’ve been playing with using words to control the articulation of a physical modelling synthesiser based on the elegant Karplus-Strong…


Frederic Leymarie and I have created a blog called SoundVis to document our research into the visualisation of sound and…

Canntaireachd for sinewaves

An early sketch of a system of vocables for describing manipulations of a sine wave. The text is a bit…


A new project: http://speechless.lurk.org/rhythm.html The idea is to use festival speech synth to turn what people type into rhythms, giving…