I’m hoping to keep October clear for getting things done, but November is looking fun:
- 10th November, full Slub performance at the Mozilla party in at the National Film Museum, London.
- 12-17th November, off to the /* vivo */ International Live Coding Symposium in Mexico City. I’ll be giving a talk called “Is live coding really live?” (spoiler: yes), running a workshop with Dave called “Time as functions in space”, and doing a two-thirds Slub performance with him too.
- 19th November, I need to confirm this 100%, but very likely I will be performing again in London, some exciting new work with Hester Reeve at a major national event.
- 21-23rd November, back in London again for PPIG, it looks likely that there will be a live coding workshop, a performance or two and panel session during the conference.