Joel Laird completed a fine PhD thesis on physical modelling drums in 2001, which included C++ sourcecode for an accurate…
A brand new website: The idea is that every month some instructions appear and passersby add their implementations in…
Rhythm space
I’m working with Jamie Forth on ideas around spaces of rhythm. Here’s a demo (which might not work in feed…
First vocable output from a waveguide membrane
Very early stuff but a rendering of the vocable word sebosebesusasobesebosebasusasobesebosebesusasobesobosebesusasobesebosebesusasobesebosebasusasobesebosebesusasobesobosebesusasobe is here. (any website layout breakage is intentional) The…
Waveguide mesh unit generator
After quite a bit of fiddling, I got a waveguide mesh working. It’s a physical model of a drum head,…
Creative constraints
Here’s an interesting response to my earlier post about how test driven development does not necessarily apply to all problem…
Following your imagination
This entertaining article supporting test-first development has been playing on my mind. The article is beautifully written so it is…
Livecoding at V2
A nice video of the livecoding sessions at v2 last month. Florian Cramer starts with an interesting take on livecoding,…
Textual patching
I wrote a perl script that allows you to compose puredata patches in a text editor. You define the patch…
Vocable bugfix
Apologies to those who weren’t getting any sound from vocable, here’s a version with a quick bugfix from Rohan Drape…