
My Arnolfini commission is now live.  It is a simple but (I think) effective vocable synthesiser that runs in a…

DSP in HaXe

I’m working on an on-line piece for the  forthcoming Supertoys exhibition at the Arnolfini in Bristol.  It has always been…

Upcoming things

A few things I’m involved with… Jamie Forth, Geraint Wiggins and I are researching the representation of music in conceptual…

Dorkcamp and new demo

Two posts rolled in to one, to annoy the aggregators a bit less (sorry haskellers, more haskell stuff soon). First,…

poei hoio _ topo _ _

Here’s a screencast of my current vocable synthesis prototype, it’s starting to sound interesting… Apologies for the rubbish resolution and…

Mallets and Meshes

I have my drum physical model working with the mallet from Joel Laird’s PhD work that I mentioned before.  So,…

Late summer events

I’ve had a paper accepted to ICMC (International Computer Music Conference) in Belfast.  My paper isn’t directly about livecoding but…